Mercyhurst junior wins top art prize with haunting self-portrait

Ava Forsyth

Mercyhurst junior Ava Forsyth pours her past into the charcoal drawing, capturing a childhood lost too soon. In her prize-winning self-portrait, she reflects on the years she was forced to grow up fast—each pencil stroke a testament to grief, resilience, and the pieces of youth she’s still searching to reclaim. 


While Ava finds the piece deeply cathartic, she acknowledges that its stark realism may not resonate with everyone. Yet, it undeniably captured attention at this year’s Patricia S. Yahn Juried Student Art Show, held in February at Cummings Gallery. Juror David King of Cleveland awarded Ava first prize for her self-portrait, “Preoccupied,” selecting it from among 40 works submitted by 24 student artists.


“I was super surprised,” said Ava of the recognition. “I hope other people look at my work and are moved by it. Even if people don’t know me or my past, I hope they can relate to the emotions incorporated in my art, even the sad ones.”


Ava favors working with charcoal, describing it as “the best medium to convey what I have in my head.” But, new this year, is Ava’s focus on larger pieces: “Preoccupied,” for example, is 4 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 feet. “I really like the challenge of making life-size pieces, which is what I’m going to spend more time on.”


A studio art major, Ava hopes to create her own business and sell her art to an admiring public. Her intentions were reinforced after a fan purchased “Preoccupied” following the Mercyhurst exhibit. She’s also considering museum work, fashion designing, and art therapy.   


“I don’t want to limit myself to one option,” she said.


To view more of Ava’s work, visit her Instagram account: 


2025 Yahn Art Show Winners 

1st place: Ava Forsyth "Preoccupied" Charcoal 

2nd Place: Marley Ramon "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" Ceramic 

3rd place: Samantha Montoro "Biomorph—Generation 1" Clay 

Photography Excellence Prize: EP Johnson "Untitled"  

Honorable Mention: Samantha McDonald "The Lighthouse" Digital Photo 

Honorable Mention: Hannah Duckett "The Baptism Triptych" Watercolor 

Honorable Mention: Ainsley Dunning "Meteor Shower. Clouds" Photography