Student ID (OneCard)

The Mercyhurst University "OneCard" identification card is a "smart card" used for library privileges, access to the Recreation Center, entry to athletic events, dining and meal services, purchases at the Bookstore, snack and specialty food items at the Roost and Roost Express, located in the Laker Inn (lower level of the Student Union), Starbucks Coffee (Bookstore), the Anchor Express convenience store in Ryan Hall. You The OneCard also gives you access to services such as copying and printing as well as the Pepsi vending machines.

The OneCard, works on a declining balance system. A student can deposit money onto their OneCard either by sending a check/money order to the OneCard office or by paying in person (cash/check/credit/debit). There is also the option to add funds electronically using the GET app.

Frequently Asked Questions