Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Dr. Sarah Carey is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy. She joined the faculty at Mercyhurst in August 2024. Her research focuses on the ethics of resistance to political oppression, strategies of communicating across social differences, and the relationship between philosophy and art (including poetry, fiction, film, and theater). Dr. Carey teaches courses on areas in introductory and advanced ethics and feminist philosophy. In her teaching, Dr. Carey emphasizes to students how the philosophical theories we examine in the classroom can help us better understand and respond to the challenges we face in our contemporary world.
- Ph.D. - The Pennsylvania State University, Philosophy
- M.A. - The Pennsylvania State University, Philosophy
- B.A. - University of Oregon, Philosophy
- Gender Matters
- Philosophy of Human Nature
- Introduction to Ethics
- Capstone Ethics
- Feminist Philosophy
- Decolonial Theory
- Ethics
- Continental Philosophy, especially 20th-century French philosophy
- American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
- Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy
- “Ways to Read Resistance: From the Coloniality of Language to Complex Communication.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy 62nd Annual Meeting. Rochester, NY. September 2024.
- “When Host Becomes Guest: ‘World’-Traveling as the Possibility of Hospitality.” 8th Derrida Today Conference. Athens, Greece. June 2024.
- “Achieving Feminist Learning Objectives through Consciousness-Raising Assignments.” American Association of Philosophy Teachers and APA Teaching Hub at the 2024 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. New Orleans, LA. February 2024.
- “Ways to Read Resistance: From the Coloniality of Language to Complex Communication.” 2024 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. New Orleans, LA. February 2024.
- “Beyond Derrida’s ‘Instant of Death’: Theorizing the Cruel Instance of Death Row.” The Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Conference. Orono, Maine. September 2023.
- “Reading Resistance in Eleazar’s Elegy: Moving from the Coloniality of Language to Complex Communication.” Feminist Afterlives of Colonialism Conference. Eugene, OR. May 2023.
- “Overcoming Communicative Barriers to Coalition: Loving Translation and Learning by Heart with Lugones and Anzaldúa.” Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Conference on Breaking Barriers: Agents of Change. University Park, PA. February 2023.
- “On the Border of Death: The Cruelty of Waiting on Death Row.” 7th Derrida Today Conference. Washington, D.C. June 2022.
- “Loving Translation and Playful-Painful Transformation: Learning by Heart as a Resistant Practice.” 2022 Roundtable on Latina/x Feminisms. Zoom. April 2022.
In October 2024, Dr. Carey delivered an invited public lecture on the ethical problems posed by capital punishment entitled “Life Without Life: The Cruelty of Waiting on Death Row” for the Evelyn Lincoln Institute for Ethics and Society Annual Fall Lecture at Mercyhurst University. Watch an online video recording of the lecture.