Director, Forensic and Bioarchaeology Laboratory, Director, Graduate Student Research, Department of Applied Forensic Sciences
Mr. Cabo received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, with a specialization in Zoology, from the University of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain). He also earned his Master’s degree in Biology, in addition to receiving his National Pedagogy and Teaching Certificate, from the University of Oviedo. His positions as a researcher in the departments of Biology and Geology of that university provided Mr. Cabo with a vast amount of experience and knowledge in the fields of biology, paleoanthropology, archaeology and geology. He has participated in over two dozen archaeological and paleontological field and laboratory projects, and currently coordinates paleoenvironmental research at Chao Samartin Hillfort . This archaeological site is located at Grandas de Salime, in the Principality of Asturias (Northern Spain) and contains occupation levels from the Bronze Age through the Early Roman Imperial (3000-1800 BP), and a Early Medieval Necropolis (1100-1200 BP).
Mr. Cabo began his career at Mercyhurst participating in the Summer Forensic Anthropology Short Courses, a series of hands-on forensic anthropology training sessions offered annually at the college. Since joining the Mercyhurst staff in 2003, Mr.Cabo, the Director of the Forensic and Bioarchaeology Laboratory, has assisted in the recovery and analysis of more than 200 forensic cases. He currently also serves as the main graduate student research advisor. His knowledge of evolutionary biology, zoology and physical anthropology, as well as his experience in archaeology and paleontology, have proven invaluable to the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute.
- University of Oviedo (Spain), B.S. in Biology with Specialization in Zoology, 1995
- University of Oviedo (Spain), National Teaching Certificate (CAP), 1995
- University of Oviedo (Spain), M.S. in Biology, 2000
- Zooarchaeology (Anth 250/251)
- Statistics for Forensic Science and Anthropology (Frsc 310)
- Special Topics: Zooarchaeology (Anth 560)
- Advanced Statistical Methods in Anthropology (Anth 645)
Human Evolution, Biological Anthropology, Statistics, Taphonomy, Zooarchaeology
Reprints available upon request
(*) With graduate students
Articles in Indexed Journals
Overbury RS, LL Cabo, DC Dirkmaat and SA Symes (2009): Asymmetry of the Os Pubis: Implications for the Suchey-Brooks Method. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 139(2): 261-268. (*)
Dirkmaat, DC, LL Cabo, SD Ousley, and SA Symes (2008). New Perspectives in Forensic Anthropology. Yrbk. Phys. Anthropol. 51: 33-52.
Abstracts and Other Peer-Reviewed Journals
Kemp BJ, MI Siegel, MA Judd, MP Mooney, and LL Cabo (2009): The Effects of Papain and EDTA on Bone in the Processing of Forensic Remains. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 15: 303-304.
Rainwater CW, and LL Cabo (2009): Body Condition as a Potential Indicator of Body Mass Outliers in Modern Human Populations. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 138 (S48): 216-217.
Beary MO, and LL Cabo (2008): Estimation of Bone Exposure Duration Through the Use of Spectrophotometric Analysis of Surface Bleaching and its Applications in Forensic Taphonomy. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 14: 315 (*)
Garvin HM and LL Cabo (2008): Morphological Variation in the Human Hyoid and its Relationship to Basicranial and Mandibular Morphology. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 135(S46): 101-102 (*)
Garvin HM, LL Cabo, KE Stull, and DC Dirkmaat (2008): A Practical Method for Determining Sex from Human Chest Plate Radiographs. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 14: 350 (*)
Kemp BJ, LL Cabo, JJ Matia, and DC Dirkmaat (2008): The Effectiveness of Papain in the Processing of Remains. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 14: 329 (*)
Paolello JM, and LL Cabo (2008): Elliptic Fourier Analysis of Vertebral Outlines for Victim Identification. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 14: 367 (*)
Passalacqua NV, LL Cabo and A Villa (2008): Current Bioarchaeological Investigations at the Castro de Chao Samartín, Asturias, Spain. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 135(S46): 168 (*)
Stull KE, K Frazee, and LL Cabo (2008): Accuracy of Infant Age Estimation Methods. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 135(S46): 202 (*)
Villa Valdés A, R Montes López, S Hevia González, NV Passalacqua, AC Wilson, and LL Cabo (2008): Avance sobre el estudio de la necrópolis medieval del Chao Samartín en Castro (Grandas de salime, Asturias). Territorio, Sociedad y Poder: Revista de Estudios Medievales 3: 57-84 (*)
Latham KE, LL Cabo, JJ Beach, and DC Dirkmaat (2007): Sources of Error in Genetic and Osteological Sex Determination: Lessons from Physical Anthropology. Proc. Am. Ac. Forensic Sci. 13: 338-339 (*)
Passalacqua NV, and LL Cabo (2007): Forensic Age-at-death Assessment: Multiple Methodologies Based on Four Techniques. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 132(S44): 184 (*)
Rainwater CW, LL Cabo, and SA Symes (2007): Body Mass Estimation and Personal Identification. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 132(S44): 194-195 (*)
Contributions in Books:
Egocheaga JE., LL Cabo, L Rodríguez, MJ Sierra, and R Trabazo (2008): Memoria de Resultados (1999-2002) de los estudios paleoantropológicos de la muestra SDR-1994 de los fósiles del Hombre de Sidrón. In J. Camino (ed.) Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias 1999-2002. Servicio de Publicaciones del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, pp. 179-190
Requejo O, C Arca, L Arias, and LL Cabo (2008): Descubrimiento de la antigua Iglesia de S. Juan de Riomiera (Collanzo, Aller). In J. Camino (ed.) Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias 1999-2002. Servicio de Publicaciones del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, pp. 347-356
Requejo O, LL Cabo, and M Jiménez (2008): Necrópolis tardorromana de Paredes (Siero, Principado de Asturias). Materiales arqueológicos y aspectos tafonómicos. In J. Camino (ed.) Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias 1999-2002. Servicio de Publicaciones del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, pp. 311-315